Are you ready for Ebola?

lake-of-fireAre you ready for Ebola to invade your house?

That’s the fear that is being spread around the water coolers and TVs across the country.  Prepping has gone main stream and items are flying off the shelf.

 It’s showtime for the Doomsday set. As the lethal virus crosses America’s doorstep, prep kits and gas masks are flying off shelves and fringe survivalists are going mainstream…

 Many doomsday preppers have spent their lives stocking up for an emergency of the type this contagious hemorrhagic fever presents. Now, they’re gearing up to put their plans into action. Charles says it’s the biggest mobilization the prepper community has seen yet.

 Do you have all your food stocked up?  How about a large amount of water with filtration?  Medical supplies?  Better check your armory and get your cleaning gear and bullets cached around the house in the event the panicked public tries to tear down your doors to get your survival stuff.

So many people are getting worked into a frenzy on this Ebola virus.  Let me ask another question.

Are you ready to……   Oct-20-2014-Are-you-ready-for-Ebola