In defense of Saint Patrick

[#] = indicates passages from the writings of St Patrick (from his own hand) at the bottom.

The life of Saint Patrick seems to parallel that of the fall of Israel.  St. Patrick’s father was a deacon and grandfather was … Continue Reading

Happy St Patrick’s Day

Happy Saint Patrick’s day!

 The world celebrates St Patrick with dancing green leprechauns and an overabundance of beer.

supperI lift up my glass of Guinness and say well done Saint Patrick.  You answered the call to spread the gospel of Continue Reading

The Parable of the Ant

antJesus often used parables when speaking to the crowds to describe a concept and then later explained the parables meaning to the apostles. We have been going thru an experience over the last few years that fit perfectly for a … Continue Reading

7 days of creation

creationSometimes it’s always good to review the basics. Once you know the foundational truths and begin growing in grace and knowledge of Jesus, speaking of the basics to someone can be a struggle where do you start. Best to start … Continue Reading