Coincidence? History says no! More Vaccine horror!

More horror on the vaccine front in Columbia. The Gardasil vaccine has done more damage, the difference there is that the parents saw the direct cause and result and spoke out. Not like here where people are put into a state of cognitive dissonance as they are told that it is a mystery when their children are negatively effected by the vaccines. They are told that it is a mystery and are told that it could not be the vaccines as “they are safe”.

As the two whistle-blowers recently have revealed, it was known all along and covered up.

Two plus two does equal four, no matter what anyone says. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is a duck. However, we have been had our critical thinking skills dismantled with deception and outright lying. Well the people in Columbia had not been subject to that, so when they saw the results and connected the dots they were incredulous. They refuse to believe that the vaccines are not responsible, and the evidence shows that they are right.

No, it is not a coincidence. History proves that: Read the following links: the current situation in Columbia and the same stories dating back to 2008 and to 2009-2010 in the U.S and in New Zealand in 2009, these four articles are far from exhaustive, simply a starting point.

These are horror stories! Much more to come on this diabolical attack.