Fasting – the undone command

To fast or not to fast.  That is the question.

What were the words of Jesus in Mt6:16?  When you fast…” not just fast if it suits your schedule.
God’s schedule rarely lines up with man’s preferred time.

The two document links bring out that miracles and answered prayer are tied to prayers and fasting.  We all desire healings but what about our part in fasting and praying for the healing.  If miracles aren’t happening from just praying for them then one needs to consider that something is missing.  Fasting is used a number of times in the book of Acts.

Shouldn’t we as a Christian body turn to fasting along with prayer in seeking healings?  The bible directs a Christian to do so.

These 2 studies look into how one should fast and how a group of Christians can create a prayer wall that will defend against the fiery darts of the enemy.

A group of Christians from Texas to Canada have taken up the command which Jesus told His apostles to do – to fast and pray.
If you knew that fasting and prayers with a humble and contrite heart would open the flood gates of healing and miracles – would you fast and pray?

Then why are you not fasting and praying now?