How many Body Bags will it take?


How many body bags will it take before the American people wipe their smirk off their face?

Whether the Ebola virus will end up killing thousands, millions or billions of people – the seriousness hasn’t sunk into the general population.

Every day an Ebola joke is told at work whenever someone coughs or sneezes.

Satan’s high holy day of Samhain (Halloween) is coming up and some fools have it in their twisted & wicked minds to sell Ebola costumes.  Will Jesus be pleased?  Will He laugh?  oh yeah Jesus is laughing up a storm – Ps2:4.  The people on the earth won’t be laughing.

RSV Psalms 2:4  He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord has them in derision.

More about this in:  Oct-15-How-many-body-bags-will-it-take