How to plant a rock


Exactly 394 years ago today on Nov 10, 1620; 102 Pilgrims and seamen on board the Mayflower ship arrived off the coast of Cape Cod.  Tomorrow on Nov 11 they will sign the Mayflower compact – one of the foundational documents of the United States.

The Mayflower Compact clearly stated the purpose of the pilgrim’s journey across the Atlantic Ocean: for the glory of God and for the advancement of the Christian faith.

Today these Pilgrims would be labeled religious extremist, right wing wackos, tea party and intolerant, Their intestinal fortitude were forged from all the beatings they endured prior to 1620.  They were going to need it.  45 Pilgrims died during the first year of their arrival (1620 to 1621.)

There is a story of what caused the pilgrims to pack up and leave and this is a brief story of their journeys to get to America:  Nov-10-2014-How-to-plant-a-rock