Is life a game? Will you be a winner?

gameLife has been compared to a race (2 Tim 4:7).  A race is a competition – a game of sorts.  Everyone is on the field of play and I would imagine they are expecting a prize/reward at the completion of the game (as Paul did: 2 Tim 4:8).   How many games does a person engage in without first reading the instructions on how to play?  How can you expect to win at any game without first following the instructions.  Failure to follow the rules of the game will get you disqualified.

Example in a foot race.  If you don’t wear the correct uniform, start begin the starting line , follow the prescribed path and cross the finish line – how do you expect the judges to give you a prize?

You have to be in never-never land to expect to get a prize for not following the rule of the game especially if the rule book is easily obtained either at a bookstore, online or just requesting one from a group that is always eager to pass them out (you might even find rule books in hotel rooms).

There are many games and puzzles that occupy our time.  Winning at a game might get you written in a book somewhere.  There is no puzzle more important to solve than “Are you written into the Book of Life or have you been blotted out?” (Ps 69:28, Rev 20:15)

How do you know if you have been written in or blotted out of the Book of Life?  Is there a way to get and stay written in the book of Life?  What are the steps if there is any? ….,,,,,,    Is-life-a-game