Love lost

landfillI make bi-annual trips to the Austin city landfill to drop my trash off since I’m living in the country.  While unloading my trash I noticed someone had thrown away a child’s note with the words “I love you”.

That note captivated me at the time because that showed me love lost.  Love lost that someone was clearing out love letters and threw that note into the trash pile.  They then drove to the dump, threw the trash bags away, drove off and never looked back.

Christians have thrown away their love letter from Jesus: His holy inspired words of the bible (2Tim3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God…).  How have they throw Jesus’s love letters away?  By refusing to follow his commandments (Jn14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.)

How can we know His commandments if we don’t read the bible? Jesus said the Holy Spirit will bring “all things to your remembrance” but if you have never read or heard the bible then nothing can be brought out to remembrance.

Jn14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

I challenge everyone who calls themselves to be a “Christian” to spend time and read what the bible says.  My whole life changed for the better when I read thru the bible cover to cover twice (and many times since) back in 2000-2003.

Reading the bible (not the commentaries), taking notes and linking passages will tell you which pastor and church is dwelling in the landfill or in the pastures of the Lord Jesus Christ.  One way to go thru the bible is Chronologically which gives you a structure and a goal to read the bible every day and create a bible reading habit: biblereading.  This 10 day prayer and fasting should have some lasting effects of you desiring more to read your bible and pray that knowledge and wisdom be given to you.

What’s the result of reading  the bible?

To know what sin is and what sin is not.

the-austin-chronicleAustin- the capital of Texas is where I work.  The free local magazine at grocery stores that tells you what is going on around town is “The Austin Chronicle“.  I quickly picked up the magazine thinking it was about human/robot hybrids by the title sym-biotic.  What it was about was the Queerbomb fest that will be going on in Austin in September 2014.

Remember what Paul said in Romans1:28

Rm1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

The article and magazine was filled with their filthy announcement of their sins.  The evil has stood up while the Christians have in large part remained silent.

Those praying, fasting and reading their bibles are not silent.

I call on all Christians to pray against this Queerbomb festival.  They want it to be the gayest September ever, I desire it to be the strictest judgment ever.

Jesus, thank you for showing filth before our eyes that we may know what to pray against, thank you for bringing a righteous anger in our hearts that we are called to band together and pray against this filthy festival.  Bring difficulties in all their events, cause events to close and this be the worst festival that they have ever had.  Bring the churches that still have your light within to be stirred up so that they will make a stand and not back down.  Protect your people who go and protest and witness.  If any are deceived and can be woken up then allow them to flee from this Babylonian-Sodom-and-Gomorrah festival.  In your name we pray. Amen.

Get out of the landfill and into the pasture.
