Collateral damage





Should there be a warning sign for those new Christians being added to the kingdom that there will be difficult times ahead?

Too late.  The bible is our guide, our warning sign.

RSV Romans 15:4  For whatever Continue Reading

Live life with abandon



The Newsboys played at the San Antonio Rodeo on Feb 17 which we attended.

The Newsboy’s latest song was featured in the movie “God’s not dead” with their song “God’s not dead”.

One of the great quotes of the … Continue Reading

Sign of the beard

beard An amazing event happened when I returned from a 2 week Christmas break at work. Beards. Beards on people who didn’t have any before the break. These weren’t the goatees half beards but full on beards.

The sign of the … Continue Reading

Mardi gras Christian

mardi gras

An Indian coworker of mine was very excited to go experience the wild life of the French Quarter.  The Indian arrived at the French Quarter amazed at the steeply discounted price he was given by the hotel in the midst … Continue Reading

Baptism belief

One of the profound statement in the bible that gives you an over view of the goal of the bible is:

RSV Matthew 7:13-14
13. “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, … Continue Reading

To public school or not

school house

I was listening to a Christian preacher on my drive into work today and he was speaking about Abraham and Lot.  The difference in their lives based on the decisions that each made and wham a connection was made with … Continue Reading

Learned Behaviour

A Scripture verse in Titus really popped out to me. Titus 3:14

NASB Titus 3:14 Our people must also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, so that they will not be unfruitful.

Paul is telling … Continue Reading