Prayer Power

marco poloMany times real prayer power comes to a group when death is imminent, until then the cares of the world cloud one’s mind.  The book of Judges speaks of this over and over.  Israel turn from God and God sends an enemy to take away the objects that Israel had (the toys: wealth, freedom).  Israel repented and sought God and God turned back the enemy.  Soon as life stabilized the Israelites went back to sinning again and the whole process of invasion, repentance,  repulsion, stabilization, sinning cycle repeated itself.

The Old Testament is rich in examples of prayers being answered: the 10 exodus plagues along with Moses at the Red Sea (Ex14:21-31).  There’s other salvation times like when Assyria came against Jerusalem and 185,000 woke up dead (2Kg19:35).  Flash forward 3500 years to the present and many are asking the same question that Gideon asked: where are the miracles? (Judg6:13)

Do large scale miracles still happen post Jesus resurrection?  Yes.  Marco Polo lived from 1254 to 1324 and he traveled and lived in China and Persia.  He wrote a book of his travels…..

Prayer Power