Red Sea Predicament – part 1

red seaAll Christians will face a Red Sea predicament in their lives.

The Israelites leaving Egypt arrived at the Red Sea and halted – not able to go forward.  The mountains were on their left and right and advancing fast behind them a very rabid Egyptian Army.  The Israelites were not armed and in their possessions were all the spoils of Egypt.

Each of the Egyptian soldiers had at least one person in their household die in the 10th plague of death of all firstborn sons from their own son, brother or father.  Each Egyptian soldier saw their country devastated: the death of the cattle in the 5th plague (Ex9:6) and devastation of the plants & trees from the hail (7th plague Ex9:25) and grasshopper invasion (8th plague Ex10:14-15).  The Israelites were their focal of hatred.  They wanted revenge and someone to punish for their country being destroyed, their family members killed and their wealth taken.

A Christian may not have such a predicament in their lives but each one’s problems may seem impossible to overcome just like the Israelites faced.  It could be bill collectors, death of the bread winner of the family, divorce, trouble at work from coworkers and bosses…

What if a member of the family were kidnapped by someone else or by one of the agencies of the government? ….
