The key to the door of Prayer cost more than any other item in History!

So, do you get on your knees to pray and wonder what you are “going to say” ?   thinking  Does your mind wander to other things?   These are issues that we have to deal with and there are many reasons and answers we can look at based on human views and of course, most importantly, based on the scriptures.   Those are things that are more for study topics when you get together with other believers or for articles.   This is just a brief post.   There is something that can help in those moments, I will get to that in a minute.

First, we know that Jesus prayed  Mark 1:35    Luke 5:16   John 17:11   John 17:20-21

We also know that the disciples asked Jesus how to pray.   Luke 11:1-13

The scriptures say that we should pray without ceasing.   1 Thessalonians 5:17

There are many, many more scriptures regarding the need and command to pray.

I found a prayer that has an anonymous author that you may like to pray.

Now back to those moments when you kneel before God and are wondering “what you are going to say”.  

That is the time to remember that it took the blood of  Jesus Christ to allow you to enter the throne room of the universe.  We had no right and no access to the throne room of the universe before the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  If you are one of His, born from above, baptized for the remission of sins, you have been given the key to the door of Prayer that opens the throne room of heaven to you personally!

It took the death of Jesus Christ in our place, and it is only through His righteousness that we can bow down before our Father in Heaven, and have fellowship with Him.  That is the key that cost more than any other item in History! 

When we think of that, our focus should come, and the first thing that should come out of us is praise and glory and thankfulness for what He as done for us!