The unfolding of Prophecies in Genesis

There are many movies and books speaking of prophecy of what will happen in the last days.  Many of these movies and books lead one down the wrong path of understanding because the foundations of these products are not built on a solid foundation.

Jesus’s parable of the house built on sand in Mt 7:24-27 and its total collapse showed that the proper foundation is required or else the house will be destroyed.

What is the foundation of the book of Revelation?  The Gospels? The Major and Minor Prophetic books of the Old Testament?  No, the book of Genesis is the foundation of the book of Revelation.  The book of Genesis sets the course for all the other prophecies of the bible.  Errors will appear if all the prophecies in Genesis are not totally believed and accepted.  Dropping or ignoring even one of the Genesis’ prophecies will eventually create a massive gulf between a false end times believe and what the bible is actually laying out.

There are major prophecies in the book of Genesis which the Catholic and many of the Protestant Churches refuse to believe because it won’t fit into their end times timeline.  Such denial of these prophecies denies the omnipresence of Jesus. What are these major prophecies that these churches deny & ignore?  And what are all the prophecies of Genesis?……..

Unfolding of prophecy – Genesis