What about Pedro, Muhammad and Xia Ping?


There’s a question that always comes up when the topic of salvation is spoken about.

What about Pedro deep in the Amazon rain forest?  Will he be thrown into the lake of fire because no missionary has ever boated up to him and spoken to him about Jesus?

What about Muhammad sitting in a tent deep within a Muslim controlled desert where no Christian foot has ever trodden.  Will he be thrown into the lake of fire for not knowing about baptism?

What about Xia Ping wading calf deep in a rice paddy somewhere in Asia.  Will he be cast into the furnace of the lake of fire for not being baptized for the remission of sins?

Will Pedro, Muhammad, Xia Ping and billions others be cast into the lake of fire forever for not having someone tell them about Jesus and what they must do to be saved?

How would a Christian respond to this question?   Find out….
